Behind the Artist Rachel Wade Moss

Rachel Wade-Moss, Jamaican Visual Artist

Artistic Jamaica had the pleasure of interviewing a talented and promising artist, Rachel-Wade Moss, who is a professional illustrator and who sometimes, dabbles in graphic design. Rachel’s art collection, which included a lovely array of paintings and illustrations, is on display at the Cannonball Coffee Loshusan, Kingston, Jamaica to commemorate the movement of Jamaican art from the frozen corridors of museums to warmer, more intimate settings. The event was coordinated by Stefanie Thomas, creative director of Artistic Expressions Jamaica, an art entity dedicated to showcasing Jamaican art forms.  

What is the range of your talent?

Well, I do paintings with acrylic on canvas, illustrations for children books and sometimes, graphic designs—including computer graphics. I studied animation at The Surrey Institute of Art & Design in England, now called University of the Creative Arts.

What was it that brought you to your profession?

I love art. I was always drawing. It was something that I was good at. Plus, my mother is an artist. So, it runs in the family, I guess.

How do you balance the passion with the profession?

You must find the balance. Working hard will always bring success. There is a market in Jamaica. The end goal for art is for people to relate to it.

How long does it take you to create your art?

Usually, not long. But, overall, it depends on the piece that I am creating. It depends on the inspiration for the piece. There are a lot of things that affect the process.

Did you have troubling finding support to become an artist in Jamaica?

No, I didn’t. My mother is an artist. She, of course, was very supportive. However, when she was growing up, her father dissuaded her from that path. But, she kept on going. So, everyone supported me. I am thankful for all the support.

What’s your inspiration for your pieces (paintings/illustrations)?

People.  They are my inspiration. I love kids. I love to watch kids interacting with each other. I like anything that’s cute.

What’s the story behind your “Cowboy” painting?

It’s about two brothers, who when they were kids, they were playing cowboys and Indians. It’s the story of most young boys growing up. It captures the happiness and innocence of the boys. 

Rachel’s works are so impactful and quaint, it is sure to be affixed to the walls in your house or your favourite restaurant or coffee shop. 


Interview conducted by:       
Derefe Chevannes, Cultural Voice  @Kimarley @culturalvoice


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